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Toilet Training for a Child with Autism Using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Here's a general guideline:

  • Begin by assessing the child's readiness for toilet training. This involves observing how long the child remains dry and their ability to comprehend and follow instructions.

  • Develop a consistent toilet use routine at regular intervals and then progressively extend the intervals as the child shows improvement.

  • Document the child's toilet training journey, noting both successful attempts and incidents.

  • Teach the steps of using the toilet, such as pulling down/up shorts, flushing the toilet, and handwashing.

  • Instruct the child in a method to signal the need to use the toilet that matches the child’s communication skills, which could be verbal or non-verbal, like using a picture and a timer.

  • Employ positive reinforcement when the child successfully uses the toilet. This could include verbal praise, or a preferred toy or activity, given immediately after a successful attempt.

  • Accidents are part of the process. Deal with them calmly, gently reminding the child about toilet usage, cleaning up, while continuing to motivate them.

  • Ensuring consistency in toilet training across different environments, such as at home, school, or daycare is important for clear expectation and learning. A structured and consistent approach is key.

Remember, every child is different, and the approach may need to be tailored to fit their specific needs and abilities.

For more information on aba therapy services offered by AIA or to book your free consultation, visit us at, contact us at (480)-707-2195, or email If you are looking for more applied behavioral analysis and asd diagnosis tips, check out AIA’s clinical director, Rula Diab, monthly blog posts!

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