Educational Solutions
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School Leaders & Staff
The Arizona Institute for Autism offers a variety of services to support educators and their students in the classroom! Equipped with decades of teaching experience and extensive training in behavioral health, our team of education experts, psychologists, and behavioral specialists work hand-in-hand to support parents, teachers, & students alike.
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Staff Training & Support -
The AIA is excited to provide our school partners with specialized training for their teachers, paraprofessionals and instructional assistants on several topics relevant to working in the special education environment. Our training is designed to help schools personnels at all levels learn more about autism and Applied Behavioral Analysis successful treatment methods. AIA will provide training programs that cover different areas from a general overview of autism and ABA to more advanced subject matter like dealing with self-injurious behavior.
The training will be offered through the highest quality of intensive, research-based behavioral treatment that provides effective teaching methodologies, based on the principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis. The training will help school staff to utilize the methods of ABA to increase staff competency, help improves already existing system and promotes students’ independence and positive behaviors to meet and exceed their educational goals. AIA will empower School teachers with ABA strategies that can be successfully used to reduce any exhibiting problem behaviors in the classroom such as,
❖ Poor coping skills
❖ Poor social skills
❖ Repetitive behavior
❖ Attention-seeking behaviors
❖ Aggression, Non-compliance, Elopement, Property Destruction
❖ Inattentiveness, Hyperactivity, Fidgetiness
❖ Self-injurious behavior
Auxiliary Classroom Support -
The Arizona Insistute for Autism is here to help our students achieve their educational potential by offering services within the classroom including,
1:1 Classroom Assistance: AIA's highly-trained educators will support your staff in their classroom by providing guidance & on-call academic support throughout the school day.
Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) & Functional Analysis (FA)
Classroom-based, private consultation
IEP goal development
IEP Support -
The Behavioral Analysts at the Arizona Institute for Autism are available to consult with parents on IEPs and provide support during meetings with teachers and other school staff. Through this consultation, AIA staff will provide parents with help in changing or developing goals for the school to implement, learn to become an active participant in the IEP process, and learn to advocates for their child’s educational rights.